Our partners

Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North is proud to be working in partnership with Local Authorities, District Councils and local businesses to provide practical and emotional support for carers.

  • Hertfordshire County Council: There are estimated to be around 109,000 carers in the County and we have been working with HCC and other agencies supporting carers on a Carers Strategy to give the best possible service and outcomes for carers in our area.
  • Stevenage Borough Council: We are grateful to Stevenage Borough Council for their ongoing support with the provision of our Day Centre in Stevenage.
  • Social Enterprise East of England: We are a member of Social Enterprise East of England as well as the CVS network in Hertfordshire.
  • NHS: We are funded by the NHS to provide carers breaks.
  • Local organisations: A number of companies in the area already provide us with invaluable support on a regular basis.

Discover more about our services

To find out more about our services
please call 01462 455578
or email info@crossroadscaring.org.uk

Discover more about our services

To find out more about our services
please call 01462 427545
or email info@crossroadscaring.org.uk